Front Cover & Editorial Pick
- Ali Mashhadian, Jesse Ward-Bond, Timothy Chan, Edmond Young. A Machine Learning Tool for Predicting the Focusing Pattern of Cells in Microfluidic Channels. Manuscript under preparation.
- Dezhkam, R., Souderjani, A. S., Shamloo, A., Eskandarisani, M., & Mashhadian, A. (2023). Numerical investigation of centrifugal passive cell separation in three types of serpentine microchannels and comparison with fixed platform. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 124, 240-249. Online version
- Hamdi, E., Dezhkam, R., Shamloo, A., & Mashhadian, A. (2022). microAI: A machine learning tool for fast calculation of lift coefficients in microchannels. arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.11591. Online version
- Mashhadian, A., Afjoul, H., & Shamloo, A. (2022). An integrative method to increase the reliability of conventional double emulsion method. Analytica Chimica Acta, 339523. Online version
- abdolmaleki, M., Mashhadian, A., Amiri, S., Esfahanian, V., & Afshin, H. (2021). Numerical-Experimental Geometric Optimization of the Ahmed Body and Analyzing Boundary Layer Profiles. Journal of Opti- mization Theory and Applications. Online version
- merizadeh, A., Mashhadian, A., Farahnak-Ghazani, M., Arjmandi, H., Rad, M.A., Shamloo, A., Vosoughi, M., and Nasir-Kenari, M., (2021). Bacterial Receiver Prototype for Molecular Communication using Rham- nose Operon in a Microfluidic Environment. IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience. Online version
- Bazaz, S. R., Mashhadian, A., Ehsani, A., Saha, S., Krueger, T., & Warkiani, M. E. (2020). Computational Inertial Microfluidics: A Review. Lab on a Chip. Online version
- Mashhadian, A., & Shamloo, A. (2019). Inertial microfluidics: A method for fast prediction of focusing pattern of particles in the cross section of the channel. Analytica Chimica Acta. Online version
- Raoufi, M. A., Mashhadian, A., Niazmand, H., Asadnia, M., Razmjou, A., & Warkiani, M. E. (2019). Experimental and numerical study of elasto-inertial focusing in straight channels. Biomicrofluidics, 13(3), 034103. Online version
- Shamloo, A., & Mashhadian, A. (2018). Inertial particle focusing in serpentine channels on a centrifugal platform. Physics of Fluids, 30(1), 012002. Online version
- Korayem, A. H., Mashhadian, A., & Korayem, M. H. (2017). Vibration analysis of different AFM cantilever with a piezoelectric layer in the vicinity of rough surfaces. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids. Online version
- Shamloo, A., Souderjani, A. S., Dezhkam, R .,Mashhadian, A. (2021, November). Designing and Mod- eling a Centrifugal Micromixer for Continuous Circulating Tumor Cells Lysis. In 2021 28th National and 6th International Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICBME) (pp. 193-198). IEEE. Online version
- Shamloo, A., and Mashhadian, A. (2018). An inertial microfluidic device for targeted cell separation. New Biotechnology, 44, S129. Online version
- Raoufi, M. A., Mashhadian, A., Asadnia, M., Warkiani, M.E. (2018). Experimental and numerical study of viscoelasticity effects on particle focusing within a straight trapezoidal channel. In International Con- ference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (22nd: 2018) (pp. 468-471). Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society. Online version